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Happy 3rd freelance birthday to me

When i went freelance 3 years ago, it was with some trepidation as i had been in full time employment for sooo long.
I have been working* in the design and creative industries for over 20 years now,
(as an illustrator – then visualiser, then designer, art director and animator then creative director and now as an independent freelancer)
but I still feel just as excited by every single project, as I did when i first set off down this path, and I’m still sure my best work is ahead of me 🙂

The last three years as a freelancer have been completely awesome.

Thank you so much to all the agencies, direct clients and all the lovely folk I’ve worked* with either directly or indirectly.
*I say ‘working’ and ‘worked’, but its really NEVER felt like work – its way too much fun.
Heres to the next year – Look forward to work with you

Do what you love.

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